Examining the popular theory that people with faith are more content than those without.

Spin Control
Thrown off-kilter by dizziness or vertigo? It’s treatable.
Love Potions From the Oceans
Five titillating mojos for the coastal dweller.
The Gender Gap
The world’s gender gap in education, healthcare, economic opportunities and personal autonomy.
Online Vote Swapping Boosts Citizens’ Say in Canadian Elections
Vote swapping is reinvigorating some citizens’ interest in elections by offering them a greater say, and perhaps a greater influence on election outcomes.
Campus Clergy
The need is great, but the budgets are small. Some days, university chaplains feel like they’re spinning their wheels.
The Sea Shanty Revival
Black humour and familiar tunes make for deck-stomping good times.
Cycling Culture Needs to Change Here
If we Montreal cyclists want to see our numbers swell then we need to clean up our act.
The Book of Ffunction
Sales brochure for an information-design studio.
Each month, this regular Reader’s Digest column highlights a disease, condition or risk factor that’s on the rise in Canada, exploring the possible causes of—and solutions for—each increase.