Active in Kenya and Tanzania, Shujaaz is a two-time International Emmy Award-winning youth communications platform. It reaches over six million young people with a mixture of media including comic books, radio, social media and events.
Shujaaz is designed to offer youth social and economic value — to engage them with the inspiration, motivation, ideas and networks they need to change their lives for the better. For instance, it empowers them to use family planning, make a positive impact in local politics, take advantage of digital financial services and find/create work in accessible and sustainable economic sectors.
I worked with Ffunction data-visualization studio to write a digital report summarizing Shujaaz’s research, activities and impact for partners such as the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation — and showcasing them to the wider world.

The report allows readers to quickly zero in on the information that most interests them. It can also be read linearly like a Shujaaz comic strip.

The level of detail is up to the reader, who can choose to get a birds-eye view:

Or delve deeper: