Client: Canadian Cancer Society
Mission: To complement a technical cancer-statistics report by disseminating its findings—along with cancer-prevention messages—to the general public.
URL: (now defunct)
Although the Canadian Cancer Society’s annual statistics report is aimed at healthcare professionals, policy makers and researchers, the information it contains is also of interest to the media and the general public. In fact, the Cancer Society regularly gets inquiries about cancer statistics from these groups.
Ffunction and I came on on board to communicate changes in cancer incidence, mortality and risk-factor prevalence in a way that would feel relevant to anyone and everyone. The solution was a web-based interactive report featuring an easy-to-use design and plain, conversational language.
The first Canadian tool of its kind, It’s My Life! lets users learn about the impact of cancer. Taking advantage of what only interactivity can provide, it offers individually tailored prevention suggestions based on a user’s specific risk factors. Finally, it puts an emphasis on sharing highlighted facts, in a bid to spread the empowering message that cancer often can be prevented.
Within five months of launching, It’s My Life received 20,618 unique visitors. Users spent 4.11 minutes on the site and collectively made 5,422 pledges to change their behaviour. It received retweets from high profile users such as Bif Naked (130,000 followers) and Andre Picard (30,100 followers). Best of all, 92.7% of users intend to make a lifestyle change to reduce their cancer risk.